Update: Email to Yokomo USA.

Taking an Yokomo YZ-10 (model 870c) and bring it back to life - or at least trying too......
Above shows the steering interference I was talking about. As you can see there has been a toll taken on the from pulley. Frankly, I am surprised I didn't screw it up more when I was running it. I need to look in the manual to see about how this set up is different.
Speaking of manual, after a few false starts and the realization that just saying "YZ-10" doesn't mean this particular model - 870c (I am pretty sure) I have found the manual online - here. I think I will have a night of saving and printing to have a copy of my own. Also there is a parts list in the scan section of RC10Talk - Link.There are other questions as well but I am sure to get the them eventually.
Other things of note. The car was bought second hand and it looks like the original owner did some upgrades. The front hubs (I need to get a parts list to refer to stuff correctly) are plastic and are from Andy's (I still have the original mag ones - which might go back on). There is an RPM front bulkhead - not sure how that is an upgrade. I will keep looking to see if there is anything else.
The old set up was a Novak T5 with standard NiCads and a Futuba reciver. The Twister motor is the only one I ever drove. Worked fine but it seems from looking around we have entered the world of Brushless - another thing to looks into.
For anyone following at home, this is not meant to be a restore in the sense of getting it back to stock. The first set is to getting it running, make some of the upgrade I have wanted to do since I shelved it and see where we are from there. Also I am not much of a blogger but I will try and post something weekly to keep any followers up to date.
Wish me luck.
In and effort to link to all the great resource -both people and information I will start tacking on some links at the end of my postings.