Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Steering Interference

Above shows the steering interference I was talking about. As you can see there has been a toll taken on the from pulley. Frankly, I am surprised I didn't screw it up more when I was running it. I need to look in the manual to see about how this set up is different.

Speaking of manual, after a few false starts and the realization that just saying "YZ-10" doesn't mean this particular model - 870c (I am pretty sure) I have found the manual online - here. I think I will have a night of saving and printing to have a copy of my own. Also there is a parts list in the scan section of RC10Talk - Link.

In reading online it is pretty easy to get ahead of myself and try and speed this all up. I have to realize the process is the point and the fun. It shouldn't be instantly over. So I need to take the manual and the parts list, sit down with the roller and see what I have......Then clean everything up........And then see what I have.......Then make some changes - u-joints, shocks, etc.

Links of interest
  • Tub Lust - where can I get one of these? Speaking of getting ahead of myself.

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